2009 Implementation of Measures towards Peace in the Middle East

Last updated on December 31st, 2024

The 40th General Council of the United Church of Canada in 2009 approved a resolution titled “Implementation of Measures towards Peace in the Middle East”


That the 40th General Council 2009
1. Record its convictions that a just peace in the Middle East will require:
a. The denunciation of Human Rights abuses committed by Israel and Palestine, as documented by Amnesty International and the United Nations, that will result in Member States of the United Nations taking subsequent, appropriate actions;
b. That the occupation and siege of Gaza by Israel cease, requiring the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza;
c. That the Government of Canada and Member States of the United Nations support international efforts to alleviate the humanitarian and economic situation in Gaza;
d. The withdrawal of Israeli military forces to pre-1967 borders and ending all forms of violence by the Israeli Government upon the Palestinian people;
e. The cessation of suicide bombings and other violent attacks directed towards Israeli civilians on the part of Palestinians;


  1. Direct the General Secretary, General Council to inform the Prime Minister of Canada and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in writing, of the above convictions and urge that Canadian policy and commitments in the Middle East reflect this position.
  2. Affirm The United Church of Canada’s participation in the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel and seek further ways of augmenting our physical presence in the Middle East.
  3. Support the principles of the Amman Call, particularly those that promote Peace-Making, Bridge-Building and the development of long term strategies for peace and right relations.
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