The Unsettling Goods Campaign
This campaign was created as a result of the United Church’s 41st General Council’s resolution about Israel and Palestine.
This campaign is no longer active and information about it is no longer available on the United Church website, but is shared here as historical information.
UNJPPI was very involved in promoting this campaign.
The Campaign originally The United Church has selected three companies for engagement: Ahava, Keter Plastic, and PayPal, and four retailers in Canada: Canadian Tire, The Bay, Home Depot and Walmart Canada.
See the original factsheets for each of these companies (now possibly outdated)
Later other products were added, including Sodastream and, (far more recently in the Pacific Mountain Region) Hewlett-Packard
The Unsettling Goods Campaign ran actively from 2013 through 2020. It was still on the United Church website as of 2023, but has since been removed, apparently due to the effort involved in keeping the information up to date.
Elements of the Unsettling Goods Campaign
About Settlements and the Occupation
This part of the campaign included information about
- What Are Israeli Settlements,
- How Settlements Affect Palestinians and
- Personal Stories from the Occupation.
Content here was created by the United Church of Canada or provided to it, and has been retrieved from archived versions of the website. It does not necessarily reflect the view of UNJPPI (although it may) but provides historical insight into the position of the United Church as well as potentially illuminating stories from people involved with the occupation and/or with peacemaking in the region.
What Can We Do For A Just Peace?
(coming soon)
Pray, Choose and Speak For a Just Peace
(coming soon)