Letter to Joint Peace Task Force

Last updated on December 31st, 2024

On Jan 27, 2021, UNJPPI wrote a letter to the Rev. Dr. Martha ter Kuile, Chair of the General Council Executive Just Peace Reference Group.  This letter was to provide additional responses to each of the three questions on which the Reference Group had requested UNJPPI’s input due to changes in the situation in Israel and Palestine in the prior year.


…Near the end of our comments on this question in our previous letter we stated that: “Naming the evil for what it is must be the first step to addressing it.”
In that letter we quoted academics and the National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine naming the evil of the way Palestinians are being treated under the Israeli military occupation as “apartheid”.

In the past year, a new development is that Israeli human rights organizations are now naming what is happening as “apartheid”. Yesh Din – Volunteers for Human Rights is an Israeli not-for-profit organization which was established in 2005 and works to protect the human rights of Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation. In June 2020 Yesh Din issued a legal opinion entitled “The Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion”…